Here in New Zealand, we love our pools! Pools are great for keeping fit, cooling off on a hot day, and spending time with family and friends. But if you've got young kids taking swimming lessons, you might wonder what the ideal pool temperature is. 

There is no one-size-fits-all answer. People have different preferences, and what might feel comfortable for one person might be too cold or too hot for another.

However, most experts agree that a temperature between 24 and 32 degrees is ideal for most people. This range will allow swimmers to stay in the water for long periods without getting too cold or hot.

If you have young children or older people swimming, you should err on the side of a warmer pool. This will help them avoid getting too cold, which can be uncomfortable and dangerous.

Conversely, if you're looking to do some serious laps, a cooler pool might be more your speed. This can help prevent overheating and make for a more refreshing swim.

Ideal pool temperature for babies

Babies have delicate skin and can get cold quickly, so it's essential to ensure the pool is not too cold. The ideal pool temperature for babies is between 28 and 32 degrees. If the pool is too cold, babies can get hypothermia. So make sure to check the temperature of the water before taking your baby into the pool.

Ideal pool temperature for young kids

The ideal pool temperature for young kids' swimming lessons is between 25 and 32 degrees. This temperature range is comfortable for most kids and won't put them at risk of hypothermia or heat-related illness. Of course, every child is different, so if you have concerns about your child's comfort level, be sure to talk to their swim instructor.

Ideal pool temperature for adults

Adults can tolerate a broader range of water temperatures than young kids can. Most adults feel comfortable in water between 25 and 32 degrees. However, if you have any health conditions that could be affected by temperature, check with your doctor before getting in the pool.

Ideal pool temperature for seniors

Seniors generally have a harder time regulating their body temperature than younger adults. That's why the ideal pool temperature for seniors is between 28 and 32 degrees. This temperature range will help to prevent seniors from getting too cold or too hot in the water.

Why does water temperature matter?

The first thing to understand is that water temperature affects our bodies differently than the air temperature. We lose heat faster in water than in air, and our bodies have a harder time regulating our temperatures in water than in air. That's why it's essential to find the right pool temperature for your needs.

Most people don't think too much about the temperature of their pool. After all, what does it really matter as long as the water is comfortable to swim in?

Water temperature is vital for two main reasons: safety and comfort. If the water is too cold, your child could get hypothermia; if the water is too hot, your child could get heat exhaustion or heat stroke. That's why it's essential to find that happy medium—a water temperature that is safe and comfortable for your child.

Prevent injuries

When water is too cold, muscles can tighten up and lead to cramping. On the other hand, water that is too hot can cause dehydration and fatigue. Both of these conditions can lead to accidents and injuries.

Improve swimming experience

Swimming students will have a better experience and be more likely to succeed if they're comfortable in the water. Keeping the pool at the ideal temperature can help create a more positive learning environment for your swimming students. If the water is too cold, it can distract and make it difficult to focus on the lesson. On the other hand, if the water is too hot, it can be uncomfortable and lead to fatigue.

What to do when you or your child gets cold during swimming lessons?

The ideal pool temperature for you or your child may be different from the perfect pool temperature for someone else. It's essential to consider the age, health, and comfort level when deciding on the right pool temperature.

If you have any questions about the ideal pool temperature, be sure to talk to the swim instructor. They can give you more specific advice based on your individual needs.

The benefits of swimming in a warm pool

The benefits of swimming in a warm pool

When it comes to swimming pools, the warmer, the better, right? But did you know there are many benefits to swimming in a warm pool? Here are just a few of them.

1. Improved cardiovascular fitness: When your body is warm, your heart doesn't have to work as hard to pump blood around your body. This means that you can swim for longer without getting tired, and you'll also be burning more calories.

2. Reduced risk of injury: Your muscles are more relaxed when warm, making them less likely to be strained or pulled.

3. Improved joint mobility: If you have arthritis or joint pain, swimming in a warm pool can help improve your mobility. That's because the water's warmth helps reduce inflammation and pain.

4. Increased circulation: Warm water can also help increase circulation. This is because it dilates the blood vessels, allowing more blood to flow. This can help improve not only your physical health but your entire well-being.

5. Improved sleep: Finally, if you struggle to get a good night's sleep, then swimming in a warm pool could help. That's because the warmth of the water helps to relax the body and mind, which can lead to improved sleep quality.

Warm pools at Fulton Swim School

At Fulton Swim School, we keep our pools at 32 degrees. This is the perfect temperature for kids and adults to enjoy the above benefits. Compared to air, water conducts heat 25 times more quickly. This means that when you're in water just a few degrees cooler than your body temperature, you will start to feel cold very quickly.

At 32 degrees, your body can maintain its core temperature and prevent heat loss. This is the ideal temperature for swimming because it allows your muscles to work at their maximum efficiency without overworking your heart and lungs. Swimming in too cold water can be dangerous because your body will get into shock as it tries to warm itself up.

There you have it! So, why not come and take a swim lesson at Fulton Swim School today? We guarantee you'll love it!